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Wisconsin Supreme Court Ad Uses Stock Footage, Faces Backlash

A recent campaign advertisement from Wisconsin Supreme Court hopeful Brad Schimel has sparked interest due to its use of international stock footage. The ad features a woman implied to be a local rape survivor; however, she is actually a model from an Italian stock footage collection.

Brad Schimel, known for his conservative stance, has served on the Wisconsin Circuit Court since 2019 and is now contesting against Dane County Circuit Court Judge Susan Crawford in the April 1 elections.

The advertisement, titled “Mission Statement,” features Schimel’s voiceover detailing his contributions to enhancing public safety, particularly his efforts in addressing the backlog of untested rape kits in Wisconsin.

In the ad, Schimel states, “[I led] the sexual assault kit initiative, clearing 4,000 backlogged tests so survivors could finally get justice,” as the camera shifts to a solemn-looking woman. The footage of the woman is available for purchase from Pond5, a New York-based stock media platform, at $39, originating from an Italian creator.

This is not the first instance of Schimel’s campaign utilizing foreign stock footage. Another ad titled “Law School” includes stock footage from Ukraine, while “Coddling Criminals” incorporates a stock image from Thailand.

None of the advertisements provide disclaimers to inform viewers that the individuals depicted are actors.

Schimel’s management of the rape kit backlog has been under examination. During his tenure as Wisconsin’s Attorney General from 2015 to 2019, Susan Crawford highlighted at a Feb. 25 press conference that Schimel had cleared only nine of the 6,000 pending kits in his first two years. The issue gained more focus as his reelection approached.

With the outcome of the April 1 election set to influence the ideological balance of the Wisconsin Supreme Court, this race is anticipated to become the most expensive state court contest in U.S. history.

A representative from Schimel’s campaign has yet to provide a comment regarding the use of stock footage.

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