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Insights on Ramadan: An Iranian Christian’s Perspective and Prayer Topics

Christians living in Muslim-dominated areas face increased pressure during Ramadan.
(Photo: Unsplash)

As the holy month of Ramadan unfolds, an Iranian Christian provides a unique perspective on its significance for Muslims, alongside prayer guidance for fellow Christians. Through her experiences, she offers a glimpse into the spiritual and communal aspects of this sacred period.

Bahar Shahabi, writing for the Evangelical Alliance, shares her observations of Ramadan, reflecting on the heightened efforts of Muslims to engage in charitable acts, community involvement, and increased mosque attendance during this time.

Despite these positive actions, Shahabi notes a return to “normal patterns of sin and dysfunction” after Ramadan, as the focus remains on external deeds rather than internal spiritual transformation.

Shahabi highlights the sense of community and belonging that Ramadan fosters among Muslims, emphasizing the importance of adhering to religious rules to maintain this connection. The sense of unity is powerful, although it is based on outward compliance rather than grace.

Another key aspect of Ramadan is the pursuit of closeness to God, especially during the “Night of Power,” commemorating the revelation of the Quran to Muhammad. It is believed that prayers offered on this night can lead to the forgiveness of sins.

Shahabi shares, “Despite this fervour, Muslims do not experience a two-way relationship with God. The craved closeness never manifests. I know this is true in my life and my husband’s, and we have ministered among so many fellow Iranians with the same experience.

“But when I came to Christ, I encountered a living, speaking God who knows me and wants to be known by me. This is utterly astonishing, especially to those of us from a Muslim background.”

Prayer Topics for Christians During Ramadan

Shahabi encourages Christians to focus their prayers on three specific areas to help Muslims find Jesus:

1. Pray for a Genuine Transformation

Pray that during Ramadan, your Muslim friends’ sincere efforts to be good are fulfilled through experiencing the eternal and transformative goodness of Christ.

2. Seek a Sense of Belonging

Recognizing the universal desire for belonging, pray that your Muslim friends discover the security and grace of being part of God’s family this Ramadan.

3. Desire for Divine Connection

Especially around the “Night of Power,” pray that your Muslim friends encounter Christ and begin a meaningful journey of faith and closeness with God.

This article was originally written by

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