Wyoming has joined the ranks of 28 other states by enacting its own Religious Freedom Restoration Act, a move celebrated by advocates of religious liberty. This new law, signed by Republican Gov. Mark Gordon, reinforces the state’s commitment to protecting religious freedoms against government actions that may impose on individual beliefs.

The legislative journey of House Bill 207 saw it pass with strong support from the Republican-majority Wyoming House of Representatives, with a 57-3 vote, and the Wyoming Senate, where it received a 28-3 vote. The support for the bill was largely partisan, with Republicans mainly in favor and Democrats primarily opposed, though there were exceptions on both sides.
Patterned after the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act, Wyoming’s version asserts that “state action shall not substantially burden a person’s right to the exercise of religion, even if the burden results from a rule of general applicability,” unless it is essential to further a compelling governmental interest and represents the least restrictive means of doing so.
The act highlights specific instances of “burden,” such as “withholding of benefits,” “assessing criminal, civil or administrative penalties,” and “denial of access to government facilities.” These protections extend to all forms of state and local laws, ordinances, and regulations, regardless of when they were enacted. The act will be effective starting July 1.
Individuals who feel their religious exercise is unfairly burdened can seek legal recourse under this legislation. Greg Chafuen of Alliance Defending Freedom praised the law for establishing a “sensible balancing test for courts” and ensuring fair hearings for all, regardless of religious or political stature. In his statement, Chafuen noted that the law “doesn’t determine who will win every disagreement,” but guarantees a fair assessment for affected individuals.
With this move, Wyoming aligns itself with a list of states, including Alabama, Arizona, and Texas, that have implemented similar religious freedom protections. More information on these measures and their geographical spread can be found at this resource.
This article was originally written by www.christianpost.com
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